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How to Attract Abundance?

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Here I am again to talk about abundance success and the Law of Attraction. Did you do your home work? We talked about finding a goal, something you are dying for, building self-confidence and believing that you can indeed achieve the life of your dreams, creating a plan and acting on the plan starting immediately. One more thing before I forget: focus and persistence. Keep moving forward through the thorny path to success. No one said it would be easy. Remember the positive mindset.

Click here to find out the secret of success in life

If you have done your home work, the Law of Attraction will be your friend along the way as you will find out in the following article”Using The Law Of Attraction For Money Effectively”

“Those who have already discovered the explosive potential within the Law of Attraction and changed their lives for the better, as well as those who are looking to uncover more about the law for the first time, usually have one thing in common – their focal point is probably money and wealth.

In today’s society, being driven by a need for extraordinary wealth is often associated with greed and selfishness. The majority of us are programmed from childhood to believe that the richest among us are exceptional in some way or have obtained great wealth through negative means or extreme sacrifice. However, for those who have harnessed the Law of Attraction combined with a rich persons mentality and applied it to achieve these levels of incredible wealth – income has not necessarily been their ultimate aim.

Read more about discovering the right ingredients to the life you have always wanted

When we are looking to live out our dreams and obtain all that we want, be it good health, a business you are passionate about, a happy marriage or a life of travelling; the fact is – financial freedom must usually  be obtained first. With total freedom an individual is left free to focus all of their mental energies on what it is that they truly want from life, free from the burdens and stress of bills, debts and back-breaking work. Arguably, the biggest excuse used by large numbers of unsatisfied workers is that they are unable to live out their dreams as a result of a lack of cash flow.

Very few individuals enjoy the luxury of financial freedom. However, those who have, usually have one thing in common. They are positive thinkers. They have goals and they take action. This behaviour is the backbone of The Law of Attraction.

‘The Science Of Getting Rich’, Money And The Law Of Attraction

Arguably one of the first great-thinkers to shed light on the dynamic impact that the Law of Attraction can have on a person’s financial situation, Wallace D. Wattles published his famous work ‘The Science Of Getting Rich’ book in 1910. (Download a copy in our Law of Attraction Tool kit here). In his highly acclaimed works, Wattles explains the importance of the mind and the significant role that it plays in helping a person to achieve financial wealth. As he describes in his book, ‘the riches they receive will be in exact proportion to the definiteness of their vision, the fixity of their purpose, the steadiness of their faith, and the depth of their gratitude.’

Complete and utter faith in the Universe’s ability to provide you with all that you envision in your mind and unfaltering gratitude for what you have already got is one step toward using the Law Of Attraction properly.

This book (free download available here) has made a huge and profound impact on many of the world’s most successful people, not forgetting Katherine Hurst, the chief writer at

Learn More About The Law Of Attraction And Money

It is not uncommon for those who have been enlightened by the Law Of Attraction to have accumulated great sums of wealth unknowingly. This is because being ‘wealthy’ should not be something which is focused on cash alone. It is possible to achieve great ‘wealth’ in many areas of a person’s life. After all, money is simply pieces of paper and all of the paper in the world is not going to guarantee a person life-long happiness.

Those who have attracted great wealth into their life might have unlocked the powers of the Law of Attraction to attract great ‘wealth’ into all areas of their life – striving for inner peace and attracting positive energy into their love life, family, health and businesses. Once these things have been achieved, financial wealth is simply something (that) can follow.

With The Law Of Attraction Wealth And Abundance Can Transform Your Life

Are you blocking your own way?

Too many of us have been bought up with the understanding that great ‘wealth’ is something reserved for a select few people and for everyone else, financial struggle and lack is ‘accepted’. Does this mindset of want and lacking sound familiar to you? If this is the case and you continually find yourself worrying about finances, bills and debt then you need to address these beliefs or lessons that were embedded in your mind within childhood. Strong and negative emotions surrounding money can come to consume your mind and how you choose to live, resulting in nothing but further money worries and a constant wanting for more.

If others are successful already, you too can be. Watch this video to learn more

Here is a good question to ask yourself: Have you ever known anyone that always seems at ease about money? Someone who never complains about how they cannot afford something but instead, can always buy what they wish? Someone who never gets nervous about picking up the bill or who seems to enjoy financial luck, finding $100 notes on the pavement or getting lucky with unexpected checks?

These occurrences of the ‘wealthy-minded’ are no coincidence, they are the result of a mind that is so focused on wealth and the abundance of it, that they are openly attracting more and more of it into their life. For those who have been raised from a young age to believe that ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’ you will notice that income does not come as easily. But why shouldn’t it be readily available to you? With so much abundance in the world, how could you not enjoy the wealth that surrounds you? Re-train your perception of money and the results could be astonishing.

To read more, click here

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