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6 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Fruit Flies

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Summer time is the time for every creature to thrive. It is also a time we don’t want to be disturbed in our homes. However,  these small bugs don’t always give us a chance. We try to clean up the  kitchen but we still need to eating our preferred fruits. This is an opportunity for the flies to invite themselves to the table despite our window’s and door’s screens. You open the door for a second and there are in.  I remember attempting  to chasse them and they would fly to the walls and ceiling. I use my towel instead of spray to get rid of them. Some die, leaving a dark spot on the walls, others escape and live to hunt you the next day. Lauren Piro is giving us effective ways to deal with this problem in the following lines.

Lauren Piro, 6 Smart Ways to Kill Fruit Flies-You’re not alone in your love of seasonal produce: Pesky fruit flies always seem to find their way to your farmer’s market haul before you even get a chance to fully enjoy it. Tired of them taking over? First toss anything overripe, and then try one of these effective remedies to banish them from your kitchen.

1. Unfiltered apple cider vinegar
Remove the cap from the bottle (it doesn’t have to be full — nearly empty will also work). Cover the opening in plastic wrap and secure with a rubber band. Then, poke a hole for the fruit flies to enter. They can’t resist the scent of vinegar, and they won’t be able to exit once they’re inside.

“No matter how hard I try to prevent fruit flies every summer, they seem to always find me. Every year, I Google “how to get rid of fruit flies” and every year, I end up using this tried-and-true method. It’s not pretty, but it is pretty effective.” –Kim at Today’s Creative Blog

2. Vinegar and dish soap
If you find your fruit flies are impervious to the plastic wrap, try adding three drops of dish soap to a bowl of vinegar, and leave it uncovered. The soap cuts the surface tension of the vinegar so the flies will sink and drown.

3. A paper cone and a piece of fruit
Place a little vinegar and a chunk of very ripe fruit in a jar. Then, roll a piece of paper into a cone and stick it into the jar, placing the narrow opening down. The fruit flies will be drawn in, but won’t be able to get out.

“I learned this method from a friend who used to sell produce, and I think it is easier to put together and more effective than others. Instead of using plastic wrap, I use scrap paper that I can then compost later.” –Tiffany at Nature Moms

4. Red wine
Like vinegar, fruit flies love the smell of wine. Try leaving out an open bottle with a little liquid — the skinny neck will keep the flies trapped.


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