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A Journey To The Inner You

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angel-669262_640Humanity has always expressed curiosity to discover the Universe. Man has created flying machines to explore the moon and the stars. We know that planet earth is not all there is. The more we know, the more we realize we don’t know. We are lost in the immensity of the infinite creation. We feel small and insignificant. Bu how about discovering ourselves, our inner selves? We know that we are not our name, our body, our thoughts etc. But who are we really ? Do we know? Do we care? Do you believe that you are a soul? If you do, is you soul free today?  Are you free from all negative feelings? When was the last time you experienced a deep joy, fresh from the heart?  I invite you to read this book by Michael A. Singer, The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself . The topics he is discussing are very deep. Here are some examples:

Happiness can only be found within

You have heard family members, relatives, friends or even acquaintances saying: ” I like you. You make me happy.” Is this the happiness you want? So when those people are not around, what happens to you? You have the power to create true peace, true  happiness within you. That one will endure after your friends are gone.

Learn to relax and stay open no matter what

Meditation is good for you. Practice meditation. Do not stress yourself. Do not keep negative thoughts in your head. Balance your work with moments of rest for you body and soul.

You are not the voice in your head

You are the listener. Pay close attention to that voice. If you need to write down something, good for you. As you gain the habit of active listening and writing down those messages, you may be surprised when you put everything together. You may get a clue of what you need to do to change your life and the life of others today.

Facing the fact of bodily death

This is a humbling experience for anyone of us, small or big, unknown of famous, rich or poor, young or old, etc. This experience helps us realize that all of the observed is only temporary. Some believe in death as a necessary transition to the highest state of life, others think it is the ultimate end or a retreat for reincarnation. Whatever your belief is, a separation from a loved one is always heartbreaking.

Dwell in the moment

Free yourself from the past painful experiences. Do not allow painful experiences from the past to influence your present life. You are punishing yourself that way. If someone did something wrong to you and apologizes, forgive and forget. Even if he is too arrogant to apologize, just forgive and move on. Remember the expression:” life is too short.”
Your thoughts are not you.

You are the observer, not the thoughts. It is amazing how our subconscious mind storage opens up for us the influences of our society. If someone asks you: Who are you?  You tend to answer stating your name. But then you say my name. What does ‘my’ stand for? You see? You did not answer the question. When you point your finger to your chest saying: ” are you talking to me” Is your chest or your body you? Think about it.

Make a commitment to yourself

If you want a life full of happiness, love , compassion, etc., you must make a commitment to focus on that goal all the time. Remind your subconscious mind of that goal through constant repetition of your statement.

Learn how to live from your heart, not from your ego

If you want success in life, think in terms of other people. It is about them not about you. I know some of you would challenge me by arguing that charity begins by oneself. This means that you need to think about yourself first. Your real value will always be a reflection  of the value you give to others.

Take good care of your soul

You are a spiritual being, not physical. However, you need to care about your body. Some people know how to take care of their body but forget, the most important, their spiritual selves.

Be the driver of your subconscious mind

Learn to control your subconscious mind, do not leave it in auto pilot. Invite positive emotions and reject negative emotions. You can influence your subconscious mind using a constant repletion of statements based on what you want of your life on this earth.

This is an overview. We will go into the details later.

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