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Being a Woman

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woman-865021_640I love my Grandma, my mother, my sisters, my wife, my daughters …There is no man, whether Grandpa, dad, my brothers, my brothers in law, myself or my sons, no one can pretend to live without the care of a woman. My question is: why women are still being mistreated in many parts of this world?  Why the mentalities of many people are still set to a vision of a woman as an inferior creature? Why do some women still  see themselves as inferior to men? To change our perceptions, we need to accept to change our mindsets. The following blog by Lisa Alday touched my heart. I felt I should share it with you.

By Lisa AldayThis morning I asked my husband to give me a topic to write on in my blog today. He said “write about what it is like being a woman.” I have thought about it all day as I went about my chores and other things and I have determined this isn’t going to be easy to write about. It means many different things to me as my thoughts and perceptions have changed. When I was a little girl I didn’t think about it much. It didn’t seem to matter very much whether I was a boy or a girl. Most of my friends were boys at the time because that is all there was but I didn’t see myself as very different then the boys. Their plumbing was different but that was as far as it went. Things changed when I began school. But my husband didn’t ask me to write what it was like to be female….he asked what it was like being a woman.

I began becoming despaired at the sex I was born into about the time I realized my step father really wished I had been a boy. He was 1 of 8 boys. Sports was his life. I might have become more esteemed in his eyes if I had been good at sports. But I was very far from that. So not only was I a girl but I was a very girly girl who sucked at sports. I loved to ride horses and climb trees and wallow in the mud but those weren’t sports.

Then I got to the age where boys started treating girls very different. Girls had all the power until the boys got what they wanted then you were labeled a slut or easy. If they didn’t get what they wanted you were frigid and cold. Either way it never came out in my favor. I didn’t understand why all of a sudden I was less than someone else because of the way I was born. The way I saw it we were exactly the same. Sure boys could do some things girls couldn’t do but girls could do things boys couldn’t do….so what?

I began to despise being a woman when I began menstruating. I felt like that was the day my life ended. All of a sudden I was very different from boys and I felt very vulnerable and a freak. There were holy places I couldn’t walk into in some cultures if I was on my cycle. I was vulnerable to becoming pregnant when boys never would be. Then my first husband told me I had to suffer at being a female because that was my penance for being related to Eve who brought all of mankind into sin.

I could go on and on but the point I am making is I felt shame at being a woman. I felt weak and that I had no value. It was  a bag of spoiled goods I was sold because being a woman is the greatest thing to be. I can create life. I am more in tuned to the cycles of life just like the greatest woman of all; Gaia, Mother Earth, Pachamama. I can not only create life but I can sustain it too through the milk in my breasts. I am a fierce protector of my young and the things that I love but I can be gentle and soothing and banish all hurts and fears. I am in tuned to the cycles of the moon as my body follows that cycle as well but I am also in tuned to the cycles of the seasons. I am intuitive and can know and understand the things that are unseeable. I think of hearth and home, of growing things whether they be plants for medicine and food, I nurture my children and teach them kindness and respect. I care for the young , the weak, the sick and the old. My voice sings songs to lull my children to sleep and to praise the Creator. I do not think of war or of killing or hurting or maiming.

I am called the gentler sex because I am naturally a gentle being. I see the beauty in a flower and in the ocean and in all life because I know what it takes to create it…..not to kill it or hurt it.

To read more click here

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