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LOA: Your Daily Schedule

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You may have started practicing the Law of Attraction already or you may be thinking about trying it to manifest the life you have always dreamed of.

Many of us get impatient when the things we want to attract in our lives don’t show up when we need them or when we find ourselves in adversities.  The Universe is like your parent. It wants you to have what you want and have it abundantly.

For this to happen, you need to extend your hands to receive. I mean that you need to be ready. Indeed you have shown your dreams but do you have the required passion? Are you focused on your goal? Do you believe in yourself to receive and in the ability of the Universe to provide abundance to you?

You must answer yes to those questions before we move ahead. You need a plan but if you don’t have one, ask the Universe. Recognise the opportunities when they come to you. Many friends tell me that they did not have any opportunity in their lives.

If you are still alive and healthy, that’s an opportunity. If you have a girlfriend, a boyfriend, a wife, a husband, a son, a mother, a father or even a friend, you need to be grateful for that.

Don’t tell me that you have no money and that’s why you are sad. I earned money and lost it many times but I was able to bounce back. I now can eat what I want, drink what I want, go where I want to go, sleep in a beautiful and clean house and give to charity.

I am surrounded by my wife and five beautiful and handsome children. I am 777 times grateful and keep a gratitude journal. It is always helpful to review when times take the wrong turn.

Even if you don’t have any of those, you have you. You are breathing every second even when you are not aware of it. Be grateful.  Always look at the half full and not the half empty bottle.

Make a plan for your daily manifestation and make sure your ultimate goal is serving humanity, not your ego. Here is an article from Katherine Hurst,  contributor to The Law of Attraction.

Katherine Hurst, 24 Hour Law Of Attraction Daily Routine To Help Attract What You Really Want.

As you wake, take a moment to visualize the day’s events unfolding in a positive way. A simple, two-minute visualization process can help you build a clear, vibrant image of what you want from the coming hours and put you in a perfect mood to start a great day. See yourself as happy, strong and satisfied, and imagine all the good things you plan to do.

07:10—Focus on Your Goals
After getting up, take the time to write down at least one goal for you to accomplish that day. Nothing is too small as long as it is part of your overall plan to transform your life—for example, you might resolve to talk to a new colleague at work or spend half an hour honing a new skill.

07:30—Practice Affirmations
As you’re getting ready to go out, spend 30 seconds reciting an affirmation into the mirror. Choose something simple but positive, like “Today will be a wonderful day” or “I am confident that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.”

08:00—Discuss your Plans
While you’re having breakfast with your friends or family, talk about what you want to achieve (speaking clearly and with conviction). For example, you might say “I will redecorate my apartment soon” or “I’m going to find a job I truly love.”

08:30—Random Acts of Kindness
As you make your way to work, challenge yourself to rack up as many random acts of kindness as you can. Give up your seat for someone else during your commute, hold the door open for someone, compliment a stranger on a beautiful outfit, or give a larger tip than you need to when buying your morning coffee.

09:00—Spread Positive Energy
When you greet your work colleagues and go about your day, be as positive as possible. Report something wonderful that happened to you the other day, explain why you’re excited about the week, and display genuine interest in others. Avoid contributing negative comments or making complaints about tiredness.

12:00—Be Kind to Yourself
In order to maintain your good mood and keep yourself feeling energetic, try to spend your lunch hour being as kind to yourself as possible. Eat a nutritional, filling meal containing plenty of fresh produce, engage in stimulating conversation with others, and consider taking even just five or ten minutes to yourself to enter a creative visualization and renew your focus on your goals.

13:00—Continue to Spread Positivity
You might notice a dip in the workplace energy after lunch, so it’s worth making that extra effort to spread positivity until the end of the working day. Make encouraging comments on a colleague’s progress, inspire others with new ideas for projects, and continue to tell people about experiences of excitement and happiness you’ve been having.

18:00—Reflect on Your Progress
As you have dinner with family or friends, talk about the things you most enjoyed about your day. Just like you did at breakfast, state your intentions for the coming evening and for the week more generally, reaffirming your ongoing efforts to attract the life you want.

Sometimes it may seem to you like you are not attracting the things you want fast enough or well enough. Don’t worry! It takes time for the Law Of Attraction to work. But if after a while you still feel like you are doing something not exactly right, try taking this cutting-edge free 60 second quiz . In the end of it you will receive your free personalized report revealing what is holding you back from attracting all of the prosperity, love, happiness and abundance that you desire.

When you begin to wind down for the night, find a quiet, peaceful space in which to mediate. Focus on your breathing, relaxing every muscle in your body, and let feelings of peace and contentment flow through you. If you prefer to engage in a more elaborate meditative journey, now is also a good time for that exercise.

To read more, click here


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