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The Power Of “I Command”

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Awareness is a word some people like to repeat twice of three times. It is not all the time that we experience this reality. When we were 3 or even 5 years old, chances are today, we don’t recall what happened to us or what were the circumstances we lived in. At our adult age, we may have a thinking brain, observing what happens around us with judgements or interpretations.

We may also be accepting and making ours the visions of others. That is not true awareness. True awareness would be a discovery and neutral observation  of realities without any judgement, perception or interpretation. Awareness  may happen accidently during your interaction with the Nature and you will be exclaiming: wow! I was blind but now I see. Now I know it is here and it has always been here.

Awareness is your key to discovering yourself and the world around you. It helps you learn and speak the language of the Universe to ask for what you want. Awareness and enlightenment can be used a synonyms in the following article by Jason Mangrum.

Jason Mangrum, 2 Magic words, I command-Spiritual masters say that enlightenment can happen in an instant or like the blooming of a lotus flower. The same can be said of realizations, and learning.

As you read a book on any subject you will have moments that you stop reading just long enough to say “Ah ha!” or “Wow, that’s how that works” or “that’s why that happens!”

When you first look at a new math equation and it makes no sense, then later after you learn the process, you can look at the same equation again and you not only understand it you can solve it.

The point I am trying to make is this: There is a point where something is gained from any knowledge. First you are ignorant, and then you inquire, next you realize, now you have the power of that knowledge and can apply it to your world.

People will sell you courses and charge you thousands of dollars to beat around the bush and flush out the truth I am about to tell you.

I have used this method that consists of only 2 words to create anything I want usually within 24 hours if not instantly.

I have told these words to very few close friends, accompanied with the warning “Be careful what you wish for…”

There is only one guideline when using these key words and I will get to that immediately after I tell you what these words are.

All you have to do is know what you want to make this work. Then put it in this sentence: I Command – (Then just state whatever you want)

I know it sounds too simple. Your disbelief in this might actually aid in its power. You remain detached from the outcome because it just sounds too easy “This couldn’t possibly work, I’ve tried everything” – your mind will say.

Good. What can it hurt to seriously give this a try?

“I Command” all day, everyday and I have come to realize the power I have over the outcome of my life. So have those I have told these words to through their own experiences with it.

Of course your mind may just dismiss the acquisition of your desires as coincidental. But does it really matter? After all you got what you wanted and never worried about how.

If you honestly begin to use this take into consideration that this command once made is not concerned about the how it will happen. The power will just take the shortest possible path to accomplishment.

All things great and small are possible when you use the words “I Command”, but whatever they are be prepared. Of course you can always change what you want if you realize it’s not what you thought it would be. It is never too late in this world and nothing is final.

The only thing constant in this world is change. You can either be conscious of your creating or dragged along oblivious to it.

There is only one rule.

One limitation and this is important if you truly want to apply this knowledge. “You cannot command something for or concerning someone else.”

Such as: “I command so-and-so to fall in love with me” instead use- “I command my true love to make himself known to me”

That’s it. These words are yet to fail and you can command anything within the realm of your imagination – nothing is impossible. All you have to do is command, and then look for the command to be fulfilled.

Here are some examples from my experience and my close friends –

“I command a good parking spot” Right around the next corner an open parking space right in front of the store.

I went walking through the woods to a beautiful creek with my husband, my brother-in-law Jacob and his girlfriend Katie. All of whom had just learned the power of commands.

It was getting dark and we were all walking back to the car. Suddenly a screeching thunder broke the silence of the night as an enormous rusty train parked on the tracks we had to cross to reach the car.

Katie was frantic. We were trapped, on a trail in the woods, in the dark. The only thing between us and the way home was a massive freight train that stretched as far as we could see in both directions.

Like a scene straight out of a horror movie we stood in the dark staring down our obstacle and trying to think of solutions. “We could climb through the cars” -This idea was quickly shot down.

Fear was setting in as it got darker around us. “We could walk to the back or the front of the train and go around” – Shot down again as fear of the train moving was very real as well as the fact there was no end in sight.

Katie was beginning to have a panic attack.

All of my fear suddenly vanished as i remembered my power of commanding. There are no limitations. I rushed to Katie and took her hands in mine. After reminding her of this fact I asked her to command out loud with me: “I command the train to move out of our way and that we make it back to the car safely,” and as soon as we sat down to wait it out…

Booming and squealing the train immediately sprung to life and made us all jump. All I could do was smile and congratulate Katie for moving the train, as we all walked over the empty tracks and back to the car.

To read more, click here

  1. I had never really thought of the power of “i command’. I will give it a go for sure. I have always believed the value of ‘I am’ though. Using that phrase in affirmations has been very powerful for me.

  2. Thank you for sharing this Isidore. I just love this kind of posts to read on and on. Will be back here.

  3. Love this article. I will be back to read more. Nice selection. The best for you Isidore.

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