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The Power Of The Mastermind

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inspiration1Passion is a powerful force that can take us to places we never dreamed of. It comes from within, fueled by our imagination, experiences, research, self-confidence, good planning, action and determination.

Whatever goal you need to accomplish in your life, in order to be successful, you need some help. You need a mastermind, a person or a group of people working together in harmony to help you fulfill your dream. Those people are ready to answer you questions, advise and encourage you every step of the way.

I am proud to tell you right now that I am a member of a like-minded group, “Live Your Legend” that inspires me, encourages me every step of the way, on the thorny path of personal and financial freedom.

I have served communities through different companies in many countries of the World, for over 30 years. Until December 2015, I was still feeling empty. I was giving massive value to people through coaching but I did not feel valued. I was not happy of my accomplishments. May be because in most cases, I was told what to do, how, where and when to do it. I was kept away from major decisions affecting me and all the people around me. I did not choose my team mates and those I came to connect with were taken away from me.

January 2016 was my moment. I felt I had to change all this. I decided to quit my job and start something different and meaningful to me. Since then, I can decide what to do, when and how to do it. This is what I call personal freedom.

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My friends challenged me. They couldn’t understand that someone with 2 mortgages and almost a million dollar in debt, without any other help, could do this. Crazy, right? Why can’t you just stay on your job, allow people to step on you until you are ready to sustain a living on your own terms?

You may have heard that argument before. However, according to my experience, you will never be ready. I have to admit it was the scariest thing to do especially when I knew that  a Real Estate business I was trying to run was falling apart. Then I remembered this famous affirmation:” …fear has not part in my life.”

So many times, I read inspirational quotes, books, watched videos and recently met inspiring people from Live Your Legend community. I told them my story and they were very amazed and supportive.

In return, I listened to their stories one by one and discovered that they had talents I needed for the success of my new business. Humans are social being. However, in so many cases, we find ourselves in the wrong company. You remember the saying:” tell me who you hangout with and I will tell you who you are.”  We live in communities that don’t understand or support our dreams, reflections of our true identity.

In most cases, we stay in that environment and prefer not to do anything. It is too late and there is nothing to save. It was meant to be that way and there is nothing I can do. This is my destiny. This is how people unconsciously  poison their own minds and the minds of others. Even worse, when we try to do something, we start complaining, pointing fingers, blaming others for our misfortune.

The truth is, we have the power and freedom to choose our company. There are millions of people on this planet that are ready to connect with you and help you achieve your goals. All you need to do and to get off your butt and find them. The Live Your Legend  community is one those groups I needed to take my dreams to the next level.

Get Inspired, read more here

They promised to work closely  together to change other people’s lives. “It is in giving that we receive”. We are committed to changing our lives for the better by changing other people’s lives through activities that we enjoy the most. We want to become the channel of abundance from the Universe to all humanity. Only then, will we fulfill our dreams in life.

Isidore Goodfellow



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